Problem with event quest

Discussion in 'Help' started by **GoGoRambo**, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. **GoGoRambo**

    **GoGoRambo** Junior Expert

    So for an event quest I had to open 3 event chests and do 5 mil damage on the voodoo odette. I did the chests part and have already shot 3.5 mil of an odette, but now when I shoot one the damage doesn't count anymore.
    Yes I'm shooting the right odette and yes I know shooting vp doesn't count

    Is it possible that the quest got stuck? And what do I do?
  2. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    can try refreshing the quest info window, sometimes it gets stuck, check in quest description that you have done all the damage as well
  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Has refreshing this quest helped?
  4. **GoGoRambo**

    **GoGoRambo** Junior Expert

    No. I tried everything, I sent support a mail and they told me to log back in which I did, but the problem wasn't fixed. I had to cancel the quest and restart it and I have the same problem again. I'm 100% sure I'm shooting the right NPC and not shooting VP.
    I restarted the quest, did the keys again and because I couldn't find an odette being shot I logged off. Later I found one but my damage stayed on 0. So I'm thinking this specific quest gets stuck if you log out, therefore you have to do it in one time?
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please let us know if you manage to complete it without logging out, however also be advised that the quests do need to be done in the order of completion given.

    If is says open 3 chests and then do hp damage of xxxx, you need to open the 3 chests return to the quest giver to ensure these are registered then do the hp damage. Each step you need to go back to quest giver so you can ensure that that part of the quest has registered correctly.

    We are sorry you are experiencing issues with this quest, and hope you complete it this time.
  6. www

    www Exceptional Talent

    No need to go back to the quest giver. Click missions and then mission info to check if you are doing right.
  7. KillerBunnyRabbit

    KillerBunnyRabbit Someday Author

    I am having the exact same problem. I have hit two Putrid Odette's and have done much more than 5 million damage to each. I have already opened the chests and have been unable to redeem the reward.


  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please do not hijack another players thread. However on reviewing your account, the chests are now completed. I did not have time to find a putrid odette to see if the damage would register, if you could be so kind as to hit one down and check the damage showing in the quest, so we can see if any at all registers.

    I can then make a report to the appropriate people.
  9. **GoGoRambo**

    **GoGoRambo** Junior Expert

    Well nothing seems to be working. And it's quite hard to find a Putrid being shot.
    Pretty stupid I can't continue my quests, the rewards are really good
  10. KillerBunnyRabbit

    KillerBunnyRabbit Someday Author

    Ok. Will start another thread. sorry. thx.
  11. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    I can only again state that we need to see what happens when you shoot a Putrid, without that we are unable to assist further.

    I can also not check your account without your user id.
  12. **GoGoRambo**

    **GoGoRambo** Junior Expert

    Just shot like 500K of one; didn't count again
  13. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Thank you for your feedback this will be forwarded. We apologise for the inconvenience and will post back here when we have any further information.

    For now this post will be closed.

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