Boker chalise again

Discussion in 'Help' started by abubadi66, Jan 16, 2015.

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  1. abubadi66

    abubadi66 Forum Apprentice

    I contacted the support as suggested by Seren, I opened a ticket and I have got a response, they told me that my purchase of the bokor chalise was ok, and the items were credited to my account directly after the purchase, but still when I go to the chalise screen I found still my balance is zero, so were are the crates, I don't know if this is a technical problem or something else, also I noticed that the items I received last December still on that page, shouldn't it be reset, I understand that Seren had to close the first thread because there was maintenance or something else was going on the server, please tell me what to do since the customers care only confirmed that I received the items, but I cant see them.

    also I noticed that my ID no. has changed, any Idea why that happened?
    ID: 39/41856504
  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    Unfortunately seems you have contacted customer care, we can no longer help you on the forum.

    Please respond back to the ticket if you have further questions, Thank you.

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